By developing novel insights into the properties of agent-based networks,
CABDyN is not only addressing fundamental problems of great scientific interest,
but also contributing to the search for solutions to complex network problems
in the real world. The CABDyN Complexity Centre already has an established network of
industrial collaborators and partners, but is always interested in exploring
the possibilities for new links with industry. Possible mechanisms for collaboration
with industry are:
- Funded research projects, with Research Council support (e.g. EPSRC, ESRC etc.)
- Short term graduate student projects to provide real world data
- Studies of industrially relevant networks, e.g. supply chains, consumer and social networks, transport networks, computer networks.
For further information,
please contact the CABDyN Administrator, on (01865) 288785 or e-mail
Industrial Advisory Board
Dr Robert Ghanea-Hercock (Principal Engineer, BT)
Dr James Martin (Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Headstrong)
Dr James E West (WebSphere Messaging & ESB Technical Strategy & Advanced
Technology Manager, IBM UK)