Beijing Summer School
A Summer School on “Complexity Science and Real-World Applications” will take place between 11th-22nd September 2007 at Tsinghua University and Renmin University in Beijing. The School will be part-funded by the European Commission
ONCE-CS Coordination Action. Within this project CABDyN (through Felix Reed-Tsochas) has particular responsibility for four thematic schools on Complex Systems.
The goal of this two-week school is to provide an opportunity for young researchers to learn about the latest advances in fundamental methods of modelling complexity systems and applications in cognitive systems, internet and complex social and economic modelling. The school will be held at Tsinghua University (the top Engineering University of China) and Renmin University (a top University in humanity and management sciences), both in Beijing, China. It will focus mainly on two areas:
1. Complexity in Natural Neuron networks.
2. Complexity in Socio-Economic networks.
Beijing Summer School Website
Previous ONCE-CS Complexity Summer Schools:
Évry Summer School , 'Biological Complexity & Modelling', 30th April - 11th May 2007
Les Houches Summer School, 'Complex Systems', 3rd July - 28th July 2006